viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010


Ánimo, ¡Chévere! (Academic Network for International Mobility: Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela and Europe Reaching for Excellence) is an active institution-based academic mobility network between Chile, Cuba, Ecuador and Venezuela on the one side and Europe on the other. Ánimo, ¡Chévere! allows students, post-doctoral fellows and academic staff to gain valuable experience, knowledge and contacts abroad. Some Latin American students will even have the possibility to return to their home countries holding a relevant master or doctoral degree. Ánimo, ¡Chévere! focuses strongly on regional needs in Latin America and the development of specific areas such as Agricultural Sciences, Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Education, Teacher Training, Engineering, Technology, Geography, Geology, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences. Furthermore, Ánimo, ¡Chévere! provides improved education and training opportunities for vulnerable groups and socioeconomically disadvantaged students and promotes equal access to higher education for students from least developed regions.


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