domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

The Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF)

Tomado de: http://maternalhealthtaskforce.org/about/mission

The Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF) at EngenderHealth contributes to shaping collective efforts to improve maternal health worldwide. Supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the MHTF serves as a catalyst to address one of the most neglected areas in global health.

Maternal morbidity and mortality rates remain unacceptably high across the developing world. Every minute, a woman dies from complications related to childbirth or pregnancy. While most maternal deaths are preventable, poor health services and scarce resources limit women's access to life-saving, high-quality care. Although there have been some notable advances, efforts to adequately address maternal health remain fragmented, and the political will remains insufficient to effectively tackle the issues.

Recognizing that real progress requires better coordination and increased global attention, the Maternal Health Task Force brings together existing maternal health networks and engages new organizations to facilitate global coordination of maternal health programs. The MHTF does not duplicate or replace existing projects, but plays a complementary role by convening stakeholders and creating an inclusive setting to engage in dialogue, build consensus, and share information.

The MHTF provides a new forum dedicated specifically to maternal health, while reaching out to leaders from allied fields—including neonatal and child health, reproductive health, human rights, and HIV/AIDS—to devise innovative solutions to maternal morbidity and mortality. As a key component of the initiative, partners in developing countries play a central role in setting the agenda. The MHTF works very closely with the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and other critical partners in this field.

The MHTF engages organizations, individuals, and other partners that work at both the global and country level. It also reaches out to organizations and individuals in allied fields, such as family planning, reproductive heath, HIV/AIDS, newborn and child health, education, human rights and others in order to both contribute to their work and learn from their expertise. The MHTF coordinates a set of activities identified as priorities for the maternal health field, promotes collaboration among its constituents, and catalyzes action around three thematic areas:

• Evidence
• Programs
• Policy

The MHTF accomplishes this through identifying knowledge gaps and filling them, sharing information, providing opportunities for interaction and consensus building, nurturing young champions for maternal health, and compiling and disseminating a range of useful tools. Priority is given to activities that contribute to the building of a stronger evidence base for maternal health, greater consensus in the field, new thinking and approaches that will move the field forward, and improvements in coordination and collaboration. It is expected that these activities lead to improvements in policies, programs, and priorities at both the country and global levels, although it is acknowledged that there is often a large gap between the generation of new knowledge and its use in policies and programs. If this gap is bridged, policies and programs will improve which, ultimately, will contribute to accelerated progress on maternal health.

Please also visit our Terms of Reference page.

Click here to view a detailed powerpoint presentation about the MHTF

sábado, 9 de abril de 2011


WCHRI Honours Scholarship

This scholarship is to support students with excellent undergraduate records who complete their Honours training at WCHRI. Students can be enrolled through any of the South Australian Universities.

Stipend will be $2000.

Deadline for application is the end of October each year.
Submission details and selection criteria available on request.

Honours Scholarship Students

2006 - Xian Wang (Flinders University)

2007 - Lucy Simmonds (University of Adelaide)

2008 - Wan Ilma Dewiputri Wan Burhanuddin (University of Adelaide)


Oportunidad para Profesionales Jovénes para trabajar en eSalud en América Latina y el Caribe


“…Este es será el siglo de las redes, de la conectividad y la interdependencia, que nos permitirá superar las barreras del espacio y del tiempo y que abrirá posibilidades inimaginables a la humanidad. Si estimulamos a esas redes para que multipliquen exponencialmente el capital social disponible, que vinculen a las personas y a las instituciones en una gran malla de sostén e inclusión de todos los habitantes del continente, habremos dado un paso fundamental para que fluya el conocimiento y la experiencia en nuevas modalidades de intercambio de la cooperación técnica para el desarrollo humano sostenible…. ”.

Discurso de la Dra. Mirta Roses Periago en su Inauguración como Directora de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, y Directora Regional para las Américas, 31 de enero de 2003

·¿Qué es el Proyecto Innovación y eSalud Pública y Equidad para América Latina y el Caribe(eSAC)?

¿Quiénes son los profesionales jóvenes (YPs)?

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de ser seleccionado como uno de los Profesionales jóvenes, (YPs)?

·¿Cómo son seleccionados los profesionales jóvenes (YPs)?

·¿Como aplicar?

·Información adicional

