miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

1er Congreso de la Asociación Latino Americana de Ecología Química

Students, post-docs and professionals are invited to submit abstracts related to any field of Chemical Ecology. At least one author must be registered to the meeting for abstracts to be accepted.

Oral presentations may be given in English, Portuguese or Spanish. However, the abstracts, slides and posters must be written in English.

Abstracts are due July 20.

Please download the file next below and follow the instructions therein.

Abstract format (.doc)

1er Congreso de la Asociación Latino Americana de Ecología Química

Pagina web del congreso http://alaeq1.fq.edu.uy/. Por cualquier consulta, no dude
contactarse con nosotros (alaeq1@fq.edu.uy).

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